Thursday, January 19, 2023

Hitler's Globe, the Lost Dutchman's Mine, and 7 More Historical Treasures to Hunt For

These nine priceless historical artifacts are out there just waiting for an enterprising treasure hunter like you.
If you’ve finished your quest for the Holy Grail, don’t despair; there are still tons of historical treasures to uncover. These priceless objects may have fallen off the map, but that doesn’t mean they’re gone. They can’t be; the law of conservation of mass implies that matter can neither be created nor destroyed, so all of the nine treasures listed here still exist, somewhere. Sure, they may have been crushed into dust or burned to ash, but the atoms out there in the universe, man, and you can find them. 
Hitler's Globe, the Lost Dutchman's Mine, and 7 More Historical Treasures to Hunt For

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