Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Was Adolf Hitler a Pedophile?

Adolf Hitler, chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, was one of the most blood-soaked dictators in human history. His sexual activities have also been the subject of intense speculation, both before and after his suicide in a Berlin bunker.
On January 15 a widely shared thread, alleging Hitler was a pedophile, was posted on Twitter, racking up more than 21.5 million views.
The Swedish Twitter user wrote: "Hitler being a pedo is not discussed enough imo [in my opinion].
"Virtually everyone he dated was a teenager. Eva Braun was 17 years old. Geli Raubal was also around 17. Maria Reiter was around 16 as well.
"All known sexual relationships Hitler had started with teenagers whilst he was in his 30s & even 40s. It shows a particular type of masculinity expressing itself. Everyone has met a Hitler. That weird dude who is 35 yet hits on 17 year olds."
Was Adolf Hitler a Pedophile? Breaking Down the Nazi Leader's Perversions

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