Friday, January 13, 2023

Weird things we all did as kids but never talk about

The mind of a child works in wonderful and mysterious ways. Their imaginations run freely, untethered by the bounds of logic or fact. A simple cardboard box can become a fantasy world in another dimension, and a bottle of Coke can become a glass of Pinot. 
While habits vary greatly between different countries and cultures, there are certain experiences that most of us can relate to. Children are children wherever they are, and as such, they seem to be drawn to the same things. That means that you, your cousin, and that kid in class who used to eat erasers, all had many of the same weird, awkward experiences. 
Click through the gallery for a nostalgic and perhaps cringe-inducing look back at the bizarre things we all did as kids but haven't talked about since! 
Weird things we all did as kids but never talk about

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