Thursday, January 19, 2023

Wife Lists All the Reasons Why Being Married to a 'Nerd' Is the Best

Lots of parents tell their daughters to date and marry nice guys, but they don't mention marrying a nerd. Sarah Nicole, also known as @thebirdspapaya, highly recommends doing just that. And she even shares a list of reasons why being married to a nerd is the best!
Sarah has so many reasons for why you should consider finding a nerd to marry, and she makes some really valid points. They're researchers and want to know everything about everything, including being handy in the kitchen and in the bedroom (wink, wink). They love technology, which takes you to a whole other level of convenience in your everyday life, not to mention in home tech support. They're always learning and trying to be better, so they're naturally always becoming a better partner and parent. Strong points!
It's not only women that should consider marrying a nerd, but men should also too! @Sophia shares, "My husband is so lucky to be married to a nerd," as does @Amanda Price, "I’m… I’m the nerd apparently." 
And lots of women commenters love their nerds! @brandiebailey says, "100%! My hubby remembers all the important things, is a complete equal partner in everything, no worries about being out with the dudes picking up women." @Becca Sheedy adds, "“Making mint tea & playing d&d” and “playing chess & scrolling Reddit” literally my husband! And he is a great cook! Nerd hubbies for the win!" @Ash_Ann89 asks the most important question, "So where do you find one of these nerds?" Sarah hasn't responded, but we hope she does!
Wife Lists All the Reasons Why Being Married to a 'Nerd' Is the Best

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