Tuesday, February 21, 2023

"Cheese and rice" is a "minced oath"

Watching "The Lost City," a movie in which Sandra Bullock is a sapiosexual author of bodice-rippers who has been kidnapped by a monomaniacal billionaire. In the scene where she is crawling through a cave of stalagmites under an erupting volcano (!) wearing a sequined bodysuit, she falls and exclaims "Cheese and rice."
That was her second use of the phrase in the movie, and the subtitles are always on, so there was no mistaking the wording. We had to look it up. It is a euphemism or a "minced oath" for "jesus christ."
Euphemism [Greek "eu" = good + "pheme" = voice] we understood, but then we had to figure out why it would be a "minced" oath. Minced [Middle English from Proto-Germanic minniz = "less"] means "finely chopped," with a corollary meaning of "weakened or extenuated."

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