Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Masturbation Sex Positions for People With Vulvas

Trying new masturbation sex positions can give you access to yet-untapped erogenous zones, provide better access to your favorite spots, add a shot of adrenaline to your solo sessions and even make partnered sex more enjoyable.

Kay writes:
Love the excitement of sex positions, but don't have (or don't want) a current partner to explore with?
You're in luck! You can explore all new shapes with just your own body!
Swapping up your masturbation positions can expose new pleasure spots, make it easier to hit the spots you already love and keep your arm from going numb in that super-bendy go-to position you always use. You know the one.
Plus, the feeling of new places -- and new locations! -- can provide that erotic, "taboo" thrill that can amp up your solo sessions.
As if that wasn't enough of a benefit, experiencing pleasure in new positions and places can also be beneficial for partnered sex if you choose to have it down the line. Swapping up your usuals can keep the body from "muscle memory" that makes it difficult to orgasm in new positions.
It also gives you a full range of "go to moves" if you're ever masturbating in a new place -- like if you find an amazing hotel, visit your local kink club or end up with a solo quickie when you're out-and-about.
Ready to explore? Try these eight masturbation sex positions for people with vulvas!
(If you're a penis owner, some of these positions can work really well for you too! 
Trying new positions for masturbation can give you access to yet-untapped erogenous zones, provide better access to your favourite places to pleasure, add a shot of adrenaline to your solo sessions and even make partnered sex more enjoyable (if you want to have it!). But perhaps the most important reason to try a new masturbation sex position is this:
You deserve to feel good.
Now go jerk off!

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