Wednesday, February 22, 2023

You’re Using Lube Wrong

We bust five myths about lube so you can have the better sex life you deserve.
Lube is one of those amazing sex hacks you’re probably not using enough. Want better orgasms? Use lube. Want less pain and friction? Use lube. Want better sex all around? Use lube.
“Lube should be an essential component of your sex life,” says Gigi Engle, a certified sex educator and the resident intimacy expert at 3Fun. “It provides a barrier against friction from a penis, hand, or sex toy. It helps you experience less pain during penetration and increased sensitivity. Lube makes everything better. It can even make your orgasms better and stronger. It enhances everything.”
But for something so right, there’s also an awful lot we get wrong about lube. Here, Engle tackles some of the most common misunderstandings and myths about lube.
You’re Using Lube Wrong

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