Friday, March 3, 2023

76% Of Women Prefer This Hobby Over Sex

Amanda Chatel tells us:
A study published via the Columbia Student News blog found that 42 percent of seniors would willingly give up oral sex for cheese. The results of this study were, for some, mind-boggling.
True lovers of oral sex will attest to the fact that, when done correctly, oral intercourse is one of the greatest pleasures in the world. It's great foreplay and something people usually return the favor for.
However, I think these people have never indulged in a proper stinky cheese from France, the kind that isn't pasteurized and dances on your taste buds like a dream, a dream, I tell you! Nothing in this world is better than cheese, nothing. Not even oral sex.
Still, although considered a high percentage to some, 42 percent is in the minority and didn't seem to prove that there would be a global cheese shortage in the near future.
So, the world moved on, people ate cheese, had oral sex, or both, and the earth continued to turn. Then came a survey that made the Columbia students look like hedonists.
When a group of 500 women was recently polled about their preferences for "me time" versus "sexy times," it was the former that won and won with flying colors.
A whopping 76 percent of women, a large majority, would rather be left alone to do their own thing than have sex. But seriously, is any woman out there even remotely surprised by this?
Of those 500 women, 42 percent said their daily "me time" is less than an hour.
How is one supposed to properly veg on the couch watching reruns of Law & Order and snacking on Bugles in that tiny amount of time? They can't!
And obviously, that type of loungey behavior is far more important to the sanity of human beings everywhere than going through the whole process of getting naked, throwing out some moans, probably getting a bit sweaty, and all that sex-related stuff.
Sex versus your favorite food and new episodes of your favorite show? You do the math.
Sex is definitely a fun way to spend your downtime, but honestly, if you're not well-rested and haven't stretched out like broccoli on the couch for a few hours, you're really not up to par. When it comes to sex, you want to bring your A-game, but you can't do that if you haven't indulged in yourself and all your "me time" activities. Have your cheese and then your foreplay.
It's science. Really. Just ask Liz Lemon. Do you think she'd give up sleeping, eating donuts, and doing her own thing for sex? Absolutely not.
Do you choose downtime over getting it on? 

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