Friday, March 10, 2023

Japan's UFO Encounter of 1803

The idea that alien beings come to earth in flying saucers has been a thing in the US since 1947. The saucer shape of our pop culture UFOs is due to 
a misinterpretation of that 1947 sighting. Or is it? Documentation of a UFO in Japan in 1803 involved a saucer-shaped vessel. In this case, UFO stand for unidentified floating object. It has become known as the utsurobune legend, although there are contemporary accounts that describe the event.
During the Edo period, Japan was officially closed off to foreigners, and any "invasion" should have drawn officials and caused a diplomatic incident. But this incident is a simple tale. A strange, saucer-shaped vessel floated to shore, and when it opened, people could see it was hollow. A woman emerged, speaking an unknown language and carrying a box. The vessel had writing on it no one could read. Unable to communicate, the Japanese witnesses sent her back to the ocean, never to be seen again.
While later accounts varied as to the date and place of the incident, there are several from 1803, placing it in the city of Hitachi. That lead researchers to believe that something really happened, but what it was is a mystery. 

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