Saturday, March 18, 2023

Porn In Your Pouch, Porn In Your Pocket

Ancient art abounds with what art historians and archeologists love to describe as “fertility figurines”. We’re not sure if they are deliberately being obtuse, or if this is a consciously delicate circumlocution. But we know in our hearts that these fertility figurines were objects of personal art, to be carried around, treasured, and perhaps fondled in private moments. In fine, an early technology of personal porn:
This one is in the British Museum, having been donated thereunto in 1914 by the 5th Earl of Carnarvon. Egyptologist Gay Robins in The Art of Ancient Egypt describes it: 
“Female fertility figurine of blue Egyptian faience with details added in black. The legs are not broken but intentionally end at the knees. This is a common characteristic of such Middle Kingdom figurines, perhaps meant to limit the figure’s power of movement or possibly because the lower legs were regarded as inessential to the figure’s function.” Hmmm, where else have I seen a small figural sculpture with the legs omitted as inessential to function? 
Oh, right… Yeah, we’ve got your fertility figurine right here:

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