Friday, March 17, 2023

Words That Will Set Your Sex Life ON FIRE

When a relationship is new, lovemaking feels as natural and spontaneous as sunrise. Sex just seems to happen — at midnight, between the main course and dessert, just before going out for the evening.
But after years of marriage, mortgages, and maternity leave, it can fall off the "Things I'm Dying to Do" list and join the "Things I Really Ought to Do" list, right under "start diet" and "flood-proof kids' rooms." You know you're always purring with happiness when you do have a romantic romp with your partner, but finding the time, energy, and even the desire can become elusive.
According to an Australian study, 27 percent of wives and 54 percent of husbands say they would like to have more sex. But 22 percent of married women in their 50s and 37.9 percent of married women in their 60s haven't had sex during the past year.
To bridge this desire gap, we consulted top psychologists and sex experts to share their insights for bringing back that loving feeling. Not surprisingly, it starts with what you think and what you say to each other.
5 Words That Will Set Your Sex Life ON FIRE

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