Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Opening with a classic ...

Hawaii Has Unique Soda Cans

Here's something you would probably never notice on your own- soda cans in Hawaii are different from all other soda cans. That may be the case even if you've been to Hawaii a few times and had soda. To find out why, you are going to learn more about soda cans than you ever thought you would, from Half as Interesting. The reasons have to do with the confluence of product design, raw materials, shipping, and most of all economies of scale. Everything in the manufacturing industry has to do with economies of scale, where tiny little tradeoffs are made and the value of long-term investments must be compared to the value of short-term investments. The difference is also because Hawaii is unique, and that's what we love about it, even if you've never noticed the difference in their soda cans.

Hawaii Has Unique Soda Cans

This video is a minute shorter than its length would indicate.

Subtle ...

Independent Thinkers Who Disobeyed Orders and Altered the Course of History

Since time immemorial, military personnel have avoided global Armageddon by disregarding orders that went against their convictions. These soldiers saved countless lives and ensured worldwide peace through their obstinate yet compassionate rebellion. That’s why their names continue to resonate decades after their courageous acts.
Read on to discover who these heroes were and how their disobedience impacted history.
10 Independent Thinkers Who Disobeyed Orders and Altered the Course of History

Mark Twain was a Confederate Soldier for a Couple of Weeks

In 1861, 25-year-old Samuel Clemens answered the call of Missouri's governor to step up and defend his home state. This was governor Claiborne Fox Jackson, a Confederate sympathizer who was forced out of office in July of that year. Missouri never officially seceded from the Union, and its men joined both the Union and Confederate armies. The young man who would later become Mark Twain joined a Confederate unit. However, his "unit" was made up of men who didn't really know anything about the military.

In all, the famed author’s two-week stint as a soldier in the Civil War largely amounted to him larping as a Confederate.

Twain didn't see much action before he gave up and went to stay with his sister in St. Louis, and then headed off to Nevada. But the experience gave him something to write about later as a comedy of errors. His unit tried to retreat once and realized they didn't even know how to do that. Read about Twain's short but comical military service at Historynet. 

Facts You’ll Wish You Had Never Learned

From the parasites that call your face home to what really makes your eyes red in public pools to literally everything about anglerfish sex, these fascinating facts are ones you’ll wish you’d never learned, adapted from an episode of The List Show on YouTube. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!
15 Facts You’ll Wish You Had Never Learned

Poisons People Surprisingly Ingest Willingly Without a Second Thought

Can you think of a modern-day poison people willingly ingest? I can think of plenty. After someone asked for examples, these were the most discussed poisons.
15 Poisons People Surprisingly Ingest Willingly Without a Second Thought


Dead Giveaways That Prove Someone Is Not a Nice Person

What’s a dead giveaway that someone is not a good person? I’ll go first, people who give back-handed compliments. They’ll say something like, “You are so confident for someone your size.” Someone on an online platform asked people for traits they identify with bad people. Here are their opinions.
10 Dead Giveaways That Prove Someone Is Not a Nice Person

Hobbies People Are Judging You Negatively for Participating In

Recently, someone in an online forum asked for examples of hobbies that people judge negatively. Are there any hobbies that you snub or judge others over? Here’s what the forum had to say. 
10 Hobbies People Are Judging You Negatively for Participating In

Are You Guilty Of These 10 Bad Habits Like Most People?

Everyone has bad habits, whether they like to admit it or not.  The good news? These bad habits can be changed when we’re made aware of them and take action to cultivate positive differences in our lives.  One of the best ways to get started is to consider some of the most common bad habits …
Are You Guilty Of These 10 Bad Habits Like Most People?

Great advice ...

Bad Habits That Could Make You Blind

We live in the digital age, and many rely on technology daily. Staring at a screen (phone, laptop) has become a common habit that seems harmless, but over time it can cause severe damage to your eyes. That's just one of the habits that can damage your eyesight. We've compiled twenty habits that could make you blind if you don't stop them or use a protective measure.
20 Bad Habits That Could Make You Blind

Things We All Do But None Of Us Will Ever Admit

We all have habits and behaviors that we may not feel comfortable admitting to others. These are the things we do behind closed doors when we think nobody is watching or the actions we take when we believe no one ...
22 Things We All Do But None Of Us Will Ever Admit

Secrets People Admit You Must Always Keep, Even From Your Spouse

They say honesty is the best policy. While true, it can cost you a lot, especially in a relationship. So, sometimes, keeping a few things...
10 Secrets People Admit You Must Always Keep, Even From Your Spouse

Bronze Age High

Mistakes Women Make While Trying To Land The Guy

Dating is hard. Many people go on dates and then never hear back from the other person. People can go days, weeks, or even 
20 Mistakes Women Make While Trying To Land The Guy

What Men Really Learn From Heartbreak

Heartbreak is one of life’s most excellent teachers and the worst thing that can happen to anyone. It can take weeks, months, and even years to recover from - some people never do. What is Heartbreak? It’s your entire world being upended and your dreams shattered.
What Men Really Learn From Heartbreak: 10 Life-Changing Lessons

Men Are Hardwired To Choose Sex Over This Activity, Says Science

Which would you choose: sex or food? The choice seems obvious. Food is a staple for living, after all.
Sure, we can survive 30 days without it, as long as we're hydrated, but without food, our brains and bodies would just deteriorate, and we would literally be dead. And let's be honest, some men already make us feel like that.
If I had to choose between the headache that is men, and never getting the chance to have pizza again, I think it's obvious which one is better.
Men Are Hardwired To Choose Sex Over This Activity, Says Science

Swinger Shares Tips for Going to a Lifestyle Club for the First Time

If you're new to the 
swingers lifestyle, you probably have a lot of questions. @Professor Pineapple is a great source of information and education about how to get started and what to expect.
In this clip, Professor is tackling tips for going to a lifestyle club or event for the first time. You'll definitely want to visit the website to find out the 'theme' of the night so you can dress accordingly - he says it makes it more fun and is a great way for people to approach each other about their outfits. He also advises to go with no expectations, as well as the why, and other tips for first timers.
Going in with no expectations makes a lot of sense - there's no pressure and things just happen organically. When you set expectations, a lot of times there's disappointment that things didn't happen the way you thought they would, so this is a good tip and probably the best one he shared. He also mentions that you don't have to 'play' with anybody - just go and have a good time.
Commenters shared their tips and experiences as well. @Suzy Mokry shared, "We made the mistake of going on "newbie night". We went again on "couples' night" - Definitely more comfortable. We aren't into bulls hanging around." @Passionflower61 remembers, "Good lord I went to a club in Tampa… it was extremely stimulating, hubby and I had a great time … with just ourselves!" @shellytime admits, "I was so nervous and shy the first time I went to the club we go to now" to which Professor replied, "We've all been there". Everybody's got to start somewhere!
Click here to watch the video.

Just not into it ...

Cunnilingus Positions You & Your Partner Will Totally Fall in Love With

Our mental image of 
cunnilingus tends to be pretty formulaic: the receiving partner lying on their back, legs spread and a partner bending down to pleasure them. This position is hardly the only way to do it. Obvious variations include the classic “Sit on My Face” positions, as well as the equally iconic 69. But these three positions don’t even encompass a fraction of what’s on offer in the world of oral sex. 
8 Cunnilingus Positions You & Your Partner Will Totally Fall in Love With

An Approved List of Things That Can Go Into Your Vagina

Remember that scene in Broad City when Ilana sees police officers in the subway station, so she stashes her weed in her vagina? She dubs it “nature’s pocket” and it turns out she’s not the only one using this pocket in unexpected ways.
People with vaginas have attempted to smuggle or hide loaded pistols, Rolex watches, marijuana pipes, crack, lighters, money, cellphones, cigarettes, makeup, fireworks (yes, really), alcohol and a host of other drugs and stolen items in their vag. Of course, few people would actually consider inserting things like loaded guns and fireworks inside their vaginas. But sometimes, in an attempt to make things more interesting in the bedroom, some do make questionable decisions about what actually goes in there.
Sure, your vagina can stretch and accommodate quite a few things, but being able to do it doesn’t mean you should. Putting the wrong thing in can result in a host of health issues, from major injuries and tears in your vaginal canal to infections and irritation… not to speak of the embarrassment at your OB-GYN’s office.
Turns out, the list of approved things to put in your vagina is short and easy to remember.
An Approved List of Things That Can Go Into Your Vagina

How To Use A Butt Plug

As a sexual tool, a butt plug can be both pleasurable and intimidating. It’s not uncommon to feel nervous about trying one out for the first time, but with a little knowledge and preparation, using a butt plug can be an enjoyable addition to your sexual play. In this article, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to use a butt plug safely and comfortably.
How To Use A Butt Plug – Ultimate Guide For Pleasure & Safety

Ending up the day, back and forth ...

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Opening the day with a smile ...

Top Things That Lose Appeal the Older We Get

Young people approach life with a go-getter attitude, saying yes to everything and enjoying the ride. As we age, the thrill fades, and the things we used to love don't seem exciting anymore. 
Top Things That Lose Appeal the Older We Get

Island Goddess

Products That Only Gullible People Would Fall For

Have you ever stopped in your tracks and asked yourself, "Who would buy a product like this?" You're not the only one. Some products are overpriced and overrated even though they make no sense to the rest of us.  Do you have some products in mind that only gullible people would be willing to pay ...
11 Products That Only Gullible People Would Fall For

Outdated Nicknames for Marijuana That We Should Bring Back

Cannabis by any other name would smell as sweet (or skunky, rather), and it’s definitely had its fair share of creative sobriquets over the years. From 
giggle smoke to Nixon, here are 11 old-fashioned terms to describe the ever-popular psychoactive plant.
11 Outdated Nicknames for Marijuana That We Should Bring Back

Really Messed up Things That Society Is Pretty Much Okay With It

Times are changing - with each change comes the good and bad. That society is now welcoming things that used to be outrageous is good ...
12 Really Messed up Things That Society Is Pretty Much Okay With It

Couple of Seniors

Etiquette Rules We Should Never Have Abandoned

RSVP'ing in a timely manner 

Maybe it's because people receive so many invitations or perhaps it's because invites have become so casual, often sent via email or social media, but the fact is that RSVP'ing has become as rare as men removing their hats indoors. While the hat issue isn't a big deal anymore, failing to respond to an invite is not just a breach of good etiquette but a breach of basic humanity, says etiquette expert Diane Gottsman, author of Modern Etiquette for a Better Life and founder of the Protocol School of Texas. "People need to buy food, plan entertainment, and other things that take significant cost and time," she says. "Not RSVP'ing or waiting until the last minute makes the host's job infinitely harder." People often stress about sending a negative reply, which is one reason they may delay, but it's a lot easier to do if you know the best way to say no to an invitation.

Annoying Myths People Still Cling Too Despite Evidence to the Contrary

Despite easy access to so much information online, there are some myths people still believe, even though they are easily disproven. Annoying Myths Someone asked on Reddit, What’s an annoying myth that people still cling to? 
19 Annoying Myths People Still Cling Too Despite Evidence to the Contrary

Myths You Thought Were True But Science Says You're An Idiot

These 21 old wives’ tales are utter nonsense, ya’ll. Duck ‘n’ Cover “Hiding under a highway overpass is not a good way to survive a tornado. It has been proven that the wind gets concentrated and the speeds increase underneath the overpass.” “Your best bet for survival if you cannot escape the tornado is to...
21 Myths You Thought Were True But Science Says You're An Idiot

Obligatory Beach Trip Group Shot

Depressed? Experts say these "embarrassing," "time-wasting" activities can make you feel better

When Dr. Heidi Kar was a psychologist for the Department of Veterans Affairs, one of her patients was a veteran who refused to give up his gun — despite being so depressed that he had repeatedly tried to take his own life.
Depressed? Experts say these "embarrassing," "time-wasting" activities can make you feel better

I spent 10 years studying what makes us happy in life—here's the No. 1 thing I overlooked the entire time

Ten years ago, I set out to find the 
framework for a happier life. Testing the wisdom of the ages with scientific research, I learned how to strengthen my relationshipsincrease energy and more.
I spent 10 years studying what makes us happy in life—here's the No. 1 thing I overlooked the entire time

Common sense is finally returning to the trans debate

New government guidance on how schools handle the rise in transgender pupils is currently being drawn up and is 
due to be issued within weeks. It means that single-sex schools will no longer be required to accommodate pupils who identify as transgender for fear of legal action, nor will they have to affirm a pupil’s preferred pronoun simply because a child demands it. 
Common sense is finally returning to the trans debate

River View

Gifts Men Really Want but Are Too Afraid to Ask For

Sometimes you want to give the perfect gift to the man in your life, but you have no idea what he really wants. Men can be shy while asking for a gift that they truly desire. Let’s look at a list of things men want but are too afraid to ask for.
Gifts Men Really Want but Are Too Afraid to Ask For

Biological Differences Between Men and Women You Probably Didn't Know About

Biological differences between individuals are often discussed regarding gender, physical stature, and age. However, many lesser-known biological differences are equally fascinating and essential to explore. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of these differences that are often overlooked.
10 Biological Differences Between Men and Women You Probably Didn't Know About

Stop Believing These Lies About Love and Relationships

There are so many myths about love and relationships that it can be difficult to know what is true and what isn't. Here are 25 of the most common myths about love and relationships debunked.
Stop Believing These Lies About Love and Relationships

She's Definitely Flirting With You if She Does These Things

Flirting signs are often hard to read. You never know if you should assume it’s flirting when it’s really not, but you don’t want to miss your chance by ignoring potential signs. Luckily, when it comes to women, there are a few definite ways to tell if they’re flirting with you versus just being friendly. ...
She's Definitely Flirting With You if She Does These Things

Swim Team

Things Men Are Sick of Hearing from Their Wives (and Society)

Men are constantly bombarded with messages from their wives and society that can leave them frustrated, misunderstood, and exhausted. Here are some of the top things men are sick of hearing, pulled from a thread full of men wanting to be seen and heard.
13 Things Men Are Sick of Hearing from Their Wives (and Society)

Serious Red Flags in Women That All Men Should Be on the Lookout For

What uncommon red flags in women should men be on the lookout for?
Serious Red Flags in Women That All Men Should Be on the Lookout For

Things Men Secretly Want Women To Do But Won't Say Out Loud

Relationships can be tough, particularly when you don’t communicate what you really like. A recent internet survey asked, “what are some romantic things you wish women did more?” We compiled the 19 best answers.
19 Things Men Secretly Want Women To Do But Won't Say Out Loud

How We Still Fit Sex Into Our Schedule, According to 10 Busy Parents

Carving out time for 
connection amidst the chaos of parenthood is important. Very important. Without it, it’s easy to feel detached and distant. And when those feelings emerge, it’s easy for frustration and resentment to ride piggyback. That’s why it’s so important for couples to prioritize intimacy. Quiet moments on the couch where you catch up. Planned date nights that help familiarize you with each other’s internal worlds. And, yes, sex.
How We Still Fit Sex Into Our Schedule, According to 10 Busy Parents

Ending the day on a lonely road ...