Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Etiquette Rules We Should Never Have Abandoned

RSVP'ing in a timely manner 

Maybe it's because people receive so many invitations or perhaps it's because invites have become so casual, often sent via email or social media, but the fact is that RSVP'ing has become as rare as men removing their hats indoors. While the hat issue isn't a big deal anymore, failing to respond to an invite is not just a breach of good etiquette but a breach of basic humanity, says etiquette expert Diane Gottsman, author of Modern Etiquette for a Better Life and founder of the Protocol School of Texas. "People need to buy food, plan entertainment, and other things that take significant cost and time," she says. "Not RSVP'ing or waiting until the last minute makes the host's job infinitely harder." People often stress about sending a negative reply, which is one reason they may delay, but it's a lot easier to do if you know the best way to say no to an invitation.

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