Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Is Sex Better When It’s Spontaneous or Planned?

It happened right after breakfast on Saturday morning for Abbie and Brian. As they were carrying the dishes to the sink, Brian’s hand brushed against Abbie’s bare arm. She looked up at him and smiled, so he kissed her, and she threw her arms around him. Before they knew it, they were in the bedroom.

Yolanda and Zachary had it carefully planned for Saturday morning. The kids were at soccer practice for the next couple of hours. Zachary had done the dishes and laundry that morning so Yolanda could have some time for herself. They quickly groomed themselves and then met in the bedroom.
So, which couple had better sex? Do you think Abbie and Brian’s spontaneous sexual encounter was more satisfying? Or was the planned lovemaking of Yolanda and Zachary more meaningful?
Is Sex Better When It’s Spontaneous or Planned?

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