Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Pride Hits Different When Your Relationship Doesn't 'Look Queer'

When I go out with my husband and son, the vast majority of people see a "normal" 
cishet family. At first glance, our marriage doesn't look queer. Some might wonder why my husband is with such an apparently butch woman or why an apparently butch woman like me is married to a cishet dude instead of a woman; very few people, if any, would peg our marriage as queer.
But it is. I am not, in fact, a butch woman, and neither one of us is hetero.
About a year ago, I came out as non-binary, and as I continued to explore my gender identity, I eventually understood that I'm transmasc. Not a trans man, but more masculine than feminine, though neither masculine nor feminine fits me, really.
Pride Hits Different When Your Relationship Doesn't 'Look Queer'

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