Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Reasons to Add Anal Play to Your Masturbation Routine

Dr. Emily writes:
If the idea of anal play intimidates you, you’re not alone. So as an enthusiast and a sex educator, I’m giving you solid reasons to consider adding anal to your pleasure repertoire.
Let’s begin in the most beginner-friendly way possible: by experimenting on yourself. Here are five reasons to add anal stimulation to your current masturbation routine. 
1.) It Opens Up a New Pathway to Pleasure
Your booty zone (specifically the anus and sphincter) is packed with sensitive, pleasurable nerve endings. If we take time to explore on our own, we can more easily relax into anal stimulation when we’re with a partner. It’s a process that requires patience, but I think the rest of these reasons might motivate you. 
2.) It Changes The Angle of Your Vagina
If you’re a vulva owner, using an anal plug during masturbation can change the angle of your vagina, for new sensations you may have never experienced. I recommend CERE’s physician-designed Reverie for this purpose: it’s a nonporous, medical-grade silicone plug that can be inserted rectally using lubricant, to change the angle of your rectum.That will enhance the angle of the vaginal canal, making the vaginal slope more steep (and opening up more pleasure possibilities). So if you’ve ever wanted to experience a G-zone (aka g-spot) orgasm before but couldn’t quite get there, this could seriously help.
Pro tip: during solo sex, give yourself a clitoral orgasm first, so that your genitals are engorged. Then, while the Reverie is in, use a G-zone stimulator to experience internal orgasm. 
3.) It Can Give You a Prostate Orgasm
Never had a prostate orgasm before, penis owners? It’s a deep, internal orgasm, that some describe as a full-body climax. And here’s something interesting: you don’t need to be erect to have one.
Look for a vibe toy with a tapered tip, ideally one with a gentle curve so it can hit your prostate gland with precision. Most importantly: make sure said toy has a flared base. Never buy an anal toy without one! Let’s not get toys lost in our anal canal, team.  
4.) It Can Give You a Blended Orgasm
No matter what genitals you’ve got, inserting an anal plug during masturbation can facilitate a blended orgasm: the holy grail of climax.
While penis owners can enjoy a simultaneous penile orgasm and the afore-mentioned prostate orgasm, vulva owners can enjoy a clitoral orgasm and a G-spot orgasm, since a thin membrane separates the vagina and the rectum. Try inserting a vibrating anal plug at a low setting, then conduct your normal solo sex routine. You may not experience a blended orgasm right away, but over time, you’ll train your body for even more orgasmic potential. 
5.) It Makes You More Accepting Of Your ENTIRE Body
Whether we’re conscious of it or not, most of us carry shame around our bodies. And nowhere is that more true than the anus itself.
By inviting anal play into your solo sex, you’ll associate this body part with more than the bathroom. Instead of thinking of the anus as dirty or gross, what if you could think of it as orgasmic? Pleasurable? How amazing would it be, if this multi-functional body part could join your existing erogenous zones, and make you feel more intimate with yourself? 
I hope these five reasons compel you to explore. Enjoy seducing your booty and bottoms up to more pleasure.  

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