Saturday, January 28, 2023

I Tried Orgasmic Yoga And I Swear Rainbows Shot Out Of Me

I never thought it would happen to me, but I lost my sexual mojo. I’ve always been blessed with a high libido, a lot of confidence, and a healthy appetite for all things sexy—but for the past several months, the thought of sex has me going "meh."
This past year marked the longest that I’ve been single. I haven't gone 12 months without a significant other since I started dating at age 14. Learning to be happy on my own was a good thing and it allowed me to focus on my career more.
But a funny thing happens when you don’t have as much sex as you used to—you stop wanting to have sex.
As cliché as it is, “if you don’t use it, you lose it” rang true for me. The longer I went without having sex, the more I just didn’t care. And—no I haven’t been celibate for a year—but even casual flings have lost their luster lately.
It didn’t help that—like so many of us—working long hours causes my healthy eating habits to fall by the wayside.
I’ve taken a page out of Olivia Pope’s diet and spent many having wine and popcorn for dinner and other nights rationalizing to myself that it’s okay to eat pizza three nights a week if it’s gluten-free and vegetarian! It’s not—at least for me—and my waistline is proof.
This brings me to the most anti-feminist statement I’ll ever make—I just don’t feel sexy when I feel pudgy. There—I said it.
So, I figured it was high time to get my sexy back.
I Tried Orgasmic Yoga And I Swear Rainbows Shot Out Of Me

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