Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Psychodermatology: The Mental Connection To Physical Appearance

Some days you can look in the mirror and think, “I’ve got it all together today! I look good, I feel good, I’m having a good hair day, and my skin is glowing.” Funny then how the next day you can wake up, take one look, and walk away in disgust of yourself. How could so much have changed in one day? Can you possibly be an entirely different version of yourself from one day to the next, or is your mind playing tricks on you? If you’ve lived life at all, you’re keenly aware that there is a mental connection to physical appearance. If you don’t like what you’re seeing, it can change your entire perspective of yourself, possibly even your self-worth. Your self-perception can alter the outcome of your day or affect you for weeks, months, or years.
It seems reasonable that if you’re having a bad hair day or have a blemish on your face, you might feel more negatively about yourself throughout the day. The things we deem being less than ideal about our appearance can play into our insecurities, but is there truly a connection between the mind and our outward appearance? Can our perception of ourselves, or how our mind interacts with our body, cause hurt or healing?
Psychodermatology: The Mental Connection To Physical Appearance

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