Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Opening the day inside ...

The 50 Craziest, Most Bizarre Laws in Every State

There's no doubt about it: There are some crazy, bizarre state laws that exist in the United States. Sure, they may have made sense when they were written, but today these truly weird state facts about American laws are enough to make anyone question why they were created in the first place — not to mention they make for some great random trivia to stump your friends! Who knew, for instance, that it's illegal for a donkey to sleep in a bathtub in Arizona, or that you technically can't send your friends a surprise pizza in Louisiana?
Many of these antiquated laws may no longer be enforced today, but it's definitely still a blast to think about how they were once necessary (and somehow still exist, in some cases!). From random facts about food to truly ridiculous rules about animals in every state, get ready to laugh, gawk, and master your side-eye while clicking through the most absurd laws and bans in the great United States.
The 50 Craziest, Most Bizarre Laws in Every State

When a Robot Dog Competes with Real Dogs

Advances in robotics have given us robots that act so real they are creepy. But how good are they, really? Could a consumer-grade robot ever fool anyone? No, but they can impress us in their own way. Zac Alsop got the idea to pit a computerized companion dog against real dogs in a competition, so he splurged on a Unitree Go1 robotic dog, although not the most expensive model. Even the bottom-line model is quite expensive. This robot is remote-controlled but also AI-enabled.
Anyway, Zac enlisted a dog trainer, a robot expert, and a dance instructor on his way to entering his "dog" in a canine freestyle (dancing) competition. But what starts out promising to be an epic experiment quickly turns into a comedy of errors, as Zac's failures along the way are rather funny and make the video what it is. He encounters a steep learning curve in "training" his robot and getting it into the competition. After all that, it really doesn't matter whether he wins or not, since nobody is taking him the least bit seriously.  


Norwegians Really Love Hot Dogs

Norway takes its hot dogs seriously. You can get a great hot dog from restaurants, street vendors, airports, and even gas stations, because Norwegians would expect only the best. Like most European countries, sausages have always been a part of Norway's cuisine, but American hot dogs became extremely popular after World War II, back when anything American was considered chic.
But Norway had advanced the art of the hot dog and Norwegians put their own spin on it. They are often served wrapped in flatbread made of potato flour, and slathered with a wide variety of toppings, including potato salad or shrimp salad. The hot dogs themselves can be made from anything, from traditional pork to crocodile meat to vegan sausage. As the hot dog traveled from the US to Norway, their hot dog traditions have traveled back to America as well. Read how hot dogs became Norway's national snack at Atlas Obscura. 

These Vintage Ads Were Really Printed

Time invariably marches on, but progress is just one way to measure humanity and society. How can you know if things are getting better? It’s ideal to compare past situations that had been normal to see if they’re fitting in with today’s standards. Most vintage ads don’t make the cut or withstand the test of time. Often, they project controversial and chauvinistic ideals that wouldn’t fly today.
These Vintage Ads Were Really Printed And They’re Shocking

Extreme Ad for Liver Pills Shows the Torture of Prometheus

In Greek mythology, the god Prometheus surreptitiously gave the gift of fire to humanity, thus sparking civilization and upsetting his fellow gods for altering the power differential between themselves and we lowly mortals. As punishment, he was chained to a rock for eternity. An eagle ate his liver, which continuously regenerated, thus sparing him from death but not agony.
The French makers of these liver pills from the 1930s imply that Prometheus would have benefited from their product. It's a rather brutal celebrity endorsement and classicist Edith Hall of Durham University, who shares this image on Twitter, says that she can think of a better advertising strategy.

Undress me with words ...

Sure Things You Thought Existed, But Really Don't At All

It's amazing what we can make ourselves believe when we don't know any better. Here are ten sure thing you thought existed but really do not ...
10 Sure Things You Thought Existed, But Really Don't At All

Harsh Realities That Everyone Needs To Hear and Accept

Do you have any harsh realities or life lessons that you think everyone needs to hear? You’re not alone. After someone asked an online forum for their best examples of these realities, here is what they had to say.
13 Harsh Realities That Everyone Needs To Hear and Accept

The Decay of Our Society: 10 Things That Were Once Great That Have Been Lost Forever

Remember the good old days? Nostalgia can make us forget about the conveniences of modern times and yearn for the past. Unsurprisingly, many miss the old times regardless of the opportunities and comfort of modern times. While not everything about history is sunshine and rainbows, an online community shares the aspects they thought were far ..
The Decay of Our Society: 10 Things That Were Once Great That Have Been Lost Forever

Bend over and Cough

First World Problems: 15 Mild Inconveniences That People Absolutely Hate

We can all agree that many of the things that we find annoying in the Western world are pretty laughable. Yet, that doesn’t keep us from getting annoyed when we face certain inconveniences (it’s human nature). In reality, of course, we are blessed to have such problems. 
First World Problems: 15 Mild Inconveniences That People Absolutely Hate

Weird Phobias Proving Fear Can Be Truly Unpredictable

Phobias can be debilitating. Some people are so afraid of encountering their fear that they lock themselves at home, refusing to engage in everyday life ..
20 Weird Phobias Proving Fear Can Be Truly Unpredictable

5 Foods That Can Have A Negative Impact On Your Mental Health

We rarely think about food in relation to our mental health. We worry about it leading to health issues, such as cardiovascular or gastrointestinal problems, but did you know that different foods and beverages can exacerbate anxiety spikes and even bouts of depression? 
In fact, there are foods and drinks that therapists and psychiatrists, who have spent their careers advising people on mental wellness, typically avoid ― or consume in moderation ― for the sake of their mental health. 
Take this knowledge with a grain of salt. These foods and drinks can be consumed once in a while and not be correlated with negative mental health consequences. Just remember that, as with everything, moderation is key.
5 Foods That Can Have A Negative Impact On Your Mental Health

Psychodermatology: The Mental Connection To Physical Appearance

Some days you can look in the mirror and think, “I’ve got it all together today! I look good, I feel good, I’m having a good hair day, and my skin is glowing.” Funny then how the next day you can wake up, take one look, and walk away in disgust of yourself. How could so much have changed in one day? Can you possibly be an entirely different version of yourself from one day to the next, or is your mind playing tricks on you? If you’ve lived life at all, you’re keenly aware that there is a mental connection to physical appearance. If you don’t like what you’re seeing, it can change your entire perspective of yourself, possibly even your self-worth. Your self-perception can alter the outcome of your day or affect you for weeks, months, or years.
It seems reasonable that if you’re having a bad hair day or have a blemish on your face, you might feel more negatively about yourself throughout the day. The things we deem being less than ideal about our appearance can play into our insecurities, but is there truly a connection between the mind and our outward appearance? Can our perception of ourselves, or how our mind interacts with our body, cause hurt or healing?
Psychodermatology: The Mental Connection To Physical Appearance

The body of a Goddess

How Well Do You Really Know Your Own Body?

The human body is a marvel of nature, capable of incredible feats. But it also harbors some bizarre, unsettling facts that can leave you intrigued and slightly uncomfortable. Here are some of these lesser-known oddities that our bodies hold. 
21 Lesser-Known Oddities and Uncomfortable Truths of the Human Body. How Well Do You Really Know Your Own Body?

Women Share Their Best Recommendations On How Men Can Be Better Boyfriends

There are certain qualities and characteristics that women often seek in their interactions and relationships with men.
Recommendations To Men: Women Share Their Best Recommendations On How Men Can Be Better Boyfriends

Your Brain in Love: How Romantic Attraction Alters the Brain

In the springtime, the natural world bursts into life and seems to shine a little brighter just as our interest in finding a romantic partner begins to light up our brains a little brighter. There are some scientific reasons for this shift in focus and readiness for attachment. As the days get longer, we enjoy more sunshine, and our vitamin D intake naturally increases. Vitamin D not only helps build strong bones, it also increases the effectiveness of our immune system, which can pay off in feeling better overall. But it also boosts our mood, which helps us see the world from a more positive perspective. We feel more optimistic about life and, if you’re looking, more optimistic about finding a partner.
Your Brain in Love: How Romantic Attraction Alters the Brain

Punny, very punny ...

How to Diffuse Embarrassing Moments During Sex

It is bound to happen to anyone who is sexually active—that embarrassing moment. There is, of course, a subjectivity to what makes for an embarrassing sexual moment. For some, it may be queefing. For others, it may be an unpredictable fart, an awkward motion, an odd vocal inflection at the point of orgasm, an insecure performance, an unexpected period, having someone walk in, etc. The list, as I’m sure you can imagine, is considerable. Even if you do something that doesn’t particularly bother you, considering what your partner thinks about it can bring about the onset of embarrassment. What the other is thinking is as influencing and consequential as what you think.
Let’s unpack those embarrassing moments, how they can be explained as part of the dynamics of our role as social actors, and effective ways to diffuse the sexual periods of time when our faces are reddened.
How to Diffuse Embarrassing Moments During Sex

The Kinky Fantasy Your Man Secretly Can't Stop Thinking About

Today we want to address a very popular subset of straight men having sex with other men: 
This is an old term. In centuries past, a cuckold was a man who was publicly humiliated because he couldn’t satisfy his wife sexually and had to endure another man stepping in to please her.
Today, it has taken on a different meaning: couples experimenting with bringing another man into their sex life called a “bull,” who usually has a larger penis or more sexual stamina than the husband or partner.
The Kinky Fantasy Your Man Secretly Can't Stop Thinking About

Four Women Get Real About How Swinging Affected Their Relationships

Because American culture is structured around monogamy, the idea of having 
sex with anyone other than your spouse or long-term monogamous partner might seem unimaginable. It can be hard to understand how “swinging” — when you swap partners with another couple and sleep with someone new — can in some cases lead to stronger relationship bonds. You may think that this is totally rare and always on the DL, but believe it or not, there are more couples interested in dipping their toes (and other body parts) into the swinging waters than you may realize. And for some of these couples, their relationship is totally blooming as a result. 
4 Women Get Real About How Swinging Affected Their Relationships

Ending the day outside ...

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Opening the day three times to be sure ...

Everyone With Blue Eyes May Descend From a Single Human Ancestor

In 2008, a study led by Hans Eiberg from the University of Copenhagen claimed that all blue eyes link back to a single ancestor who lived between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago. The concept has continually cropped up in news stories and social media posts over the 15 years since the paper was released. Simply put, we remain enamored.
But where did the concept come from? That 2008 study in was built on research that started in 1996, and it all focused on genetic exploration of the OCA2 gene.
The research shows that the OCA2 gene codes play a key role in the production of melanin, the pigment that colors hair, skin, and eyes. Eiberg's theory is that a mutation occurred between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago that switched on the ability for the gene to dilute brown eyes to blue.
"Originally, we all had brown eyes," he said in 2008. "But a genetic mutation affecting the OCA2 gene in our chromosomes resulted in the creation of a switch, which literally turned off the ability to produce brown eyes."
Everyone With Blue Eyes May Descend From a Single Human Ancestor

Things the Happiest Americans Have in Common

What does it take to be happy? In truth, we all look for different things to bring us joy.
Yet, there are a few common themes that tend to pop up among the happiest people. In many cases, these are values or beliefs that especially contented people appear to share.
A recent Wall Street Journal-NORC poll of more than 1,000 adults found that just a fraction of Americans — 12% — describe themselves as “very happy.”
So, pollsters followed up and asked people who fall into this joyful category what makes them so happy. What emerged were traits the happiest Americans share in common.
7 Things the Happiest Americans Have in Common

Ridiculous Lies That Americans Need To Stop Believing Immediately

Are there any lies society continues to believe and spread that you’ve had enough of hearing? You’ve got company. Recently, someone asked an online forum for examples of lies we need to stop believing. Here is what they had to say. 1. That Human Resources Is There for Your Protection Wait, some people believe that ...
12 Ridiculous Lies That Americans Need To Stop Believing Immediately

Could You Be a Victim of Negging?

Emotional manipulation is scary and, unfortunately, it happens all too often. But negging is a form of emotional manipulation that’s very specific.
Negging isn’t a term you hear every day and it’s understandable to wonder, What does negging mean? While you may be unfamiliar with it, odds are high that you’ve either seen negging in action or been the victim of it yourself.
Here’s what you need to know about negging, plus what to do if you find that it’s happening to you.
Could You Be a Victim of Negging? Experts Explain What to Look For

Habits That Make You Look Rude

We are all raised differently and accustomed to different realities. Thus, we may not realize that certain actions and behaviors are considered rude or inconsiderate to others. Or maybe you do know, and you’re just a jerk. Redditors share the things that they find to be naturally rude. See what you think ...
11 Habits That Make You Look Rude

Scary Things Going On in the World You Probably Didn't Know About

Due to the constant influx of news and information, it can be easy to overlook certain issues happening worldwide.
10 Scary Things Going On in the World You Probably Didn't Know About

The Worst Things That Are Mentally Destroying Society Right Now

What is the worst thing that is destroying society mentally right now? I’ll go first and say the Kardashian influencer thing. Women are destroying their faces and bodies with all these fake and potentially dangerous substances and fillers to satisfy a false standard of beauty. Humans are not shaped like that in real life. 
11 Worst Things That Are Mentally Destroying Society Right Now

Horrifying Facts You Probably Wish You Hadn't Learned

Learning never ends, they say. And while some enjoy classroom learning, others prefer occasionally stumbling into weird facts on the internet.
If you enjoy weird trivia, here’s one article you would find interesting. We’ve carefully compiled 10 not-so-fun facts from an online forum that may excite you - or ruin your idea of something.
10 Horrifying Facts You Probably Wish You Hadn't Learned

Ending the day hands on ...

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Opening the day a little damp ...

Things That Men Have to Do That Give Them Anxiety

Men on Reddit were asked what they wished they could do without being judged. Here are the top 10 responses. 
10 Things That Men Have to Do That Give Them Anxiety

Jokes and Gestures Only Men Understand

Men have their own language. It can be certain words, jokes, or even a simple head nod. Still, it seems universally understood by other men, not by women.
10 Jokes and Gestures Only Men Understand

Forest Nymph

Subtle Signs You're MORE Attractive Than You Think

Do you think you're attractive? Do you feel confident in your appearance?
If you don't – that's a big problem.
Chances are though, there are subtle signs you are an attractive guy. You've just missed them because introspection is hard.
Studies show being less confident in yourself makes you more likely to experience depression. I'm putting your worries at ease to stop that from happening.
In today's article, I'm sharing with you 11 subtle signs you're a more attractive guy than you think.
11 Subtle Signs You're MORE Attractive Than You Think

Why Does Sex Hurt All Of A Sudden?

Don’t Freak Out Yet, Says An OB-GYN
Typically, sex feels good... but sometimes, it (unfortunately) doesn't. If you're someone who usually enjoys pain-free sex, and then you're suddenly like, "WTF! Why does it hurt?" then you should know that could be pretty typical (again, unfortunately). In fact, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, as many as 75% of women will experience pain during sex at some point in their lives, whether it's temporary or a long-term problem.
"It is common to feel discomfort when having sex on some occasions," Dr. Katerina Shkodzik, MD, OB-GYN, medical advisor at Mira, says.
But while painful sex is common, you shouldn't dismiss it or shrug it off, Shkodzik says. If you're experiencing any pain from sex, read on to learn why it might be occurring and Shkodzik's expert advice on what to do about it.
Why Does Sex Hurt All Of A Sudden? Don’t Freak Out Yet, Says An OB-GYN

Everyone Knows Red Flags: 10 GREEN Flags That Mean You're in a Healthy Relationship

Just like there are red flags in a relationship, there are green flags, too. While red flags ask you to stay away from someone, green flags show that a person can be trusted.
They can be anything from consistently checking up on your significant other to constant reassurance to random gifts. While everyone may have their unique way of showing care, there are some common green flags everyone should know and look for.
These 10 are some of the most important.
Everyone Knows Red Flags: 10 GREEN Flags That Mean You're in a Healthy Relationship

Surprising Truth About Men's Views on Women's Physical Appearance

Ladies let’s face it – we think we know exactly what men like about women’s physical appearance, but sometimes it can be tricky. Although not all men are the same, here are some hilarious and shocking truths about men’s views on women’s physical appearance. So, kick back, and let’s have some fun while delving into …
Surprising Truth About Men's Views on Women's Physical Appearance

Things That Leave Men Totally Confused About Women

We’re all trying to figure out how the opposite sex works. What goes through their mind sometimes, and what do they want? How Do They ...
10 Things That Leave Men Totally Confused About Women

Ending the day all wet ...

Friday, May 26, 2023

Opening the day with a dream ...

You're not a real Boomer if you don't love these classic rock albums

Remember cruising with your friends, blasting your favorite tunes? Us too. Sometimes the urge to go back to those times is so strong we just want to hop in the car and throw on our favorite classics.
So why not go for it? We explored music sites like and top 100 lists on Rolling Stone and elsewhere to pull together ten tunes that will send you right down memory lane. We included the release date, accolades, and notable tracks so you know exactly where to start your nostalgic journey.
You're not a real Boomer if you don't love these classic rock albums

Twenty-five of the wildest chip flavors from all around the world

With all the interesting and exotic potato chips offered in America, sometimes we just want to say, “Hey chips, it’s OK to be yourself.” But then we’d miss out on pizza- and taco-flavored chips, and all the other weird varieties out there.
Although, if you really want to see some strange variations, you should check out what the rest of the world is cooking up, from elsewhere in North America to Europe, Africa, Asia and everywhere in between. Some even come from familiar brands! Or, to save you some time, you can just browse this list of 25 wild international chip flavors we should have here.
25 of the wildest chip flavors from all around the world

The Top American Foods Voted by Non-Americans-Is Your Favorite on the List?

Are you curious about what non-Americans think of American cuisine? Get ready to dive into a mouthwatering list of the top-rated American foods, as voted by people from around the world.
Find out if your all-time favorite dish made it onto this exciting lineup and satisfy your cravings for delicious discoveries.
The Top American Foods Voted by Non-Americans-Is Your Favorite on the List?

Ending the day where it began ...